Saturday, 28 November 2015

VII , VIII & IX - Half yearly computer science portion

 Half yearly computer science portion - VII to IX


         Ln 4  : Formulas and Functions

         Ln 5 : Animation

         Ln 6 :Computer networks

Practical  : Create a table in MS EXCEL to enter 20 student names and their marks. Calculate their total and average by using formulas. Print the result as pass(if mark>=35) or fail (if mark<35). Arrange the marks in ascending and descending order. Find the maximum and minimum marks in all the subjects using formula.


          Ln 5 : Multimedia file formats

          Ln 6 : Graphs and charts in spreadsheet

          Ln 7 : Advanced functions in MS EXCEL

Practical : Create a table in MS EXCEL to enter 10 student names and their marks. Calculate their Total, Average and give the grade as pass or fail. Find maximum marks, minimum marks, median and standard deviation and find the list of marks <=40 and >40.

Set the Date and Time in different styles. create a chart for the above data.


        Ln 4 : Queries in MS ACCESS

        Ln 5 :  Import data from other application

        Ln 6 : Introduction to C Programming

Practical : Create a table in MS EXCEL to enter 20 student names and their marks. Import the data into MS ACCESS. Using the table create a query displaying the details of the students scored >80 in all the subjects.Create another query to display the student names scored <35 in all the subjects.

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