Tuesday 23 June 2015

World parent’s day

                    World parent’s day

(An Article written by S. Ananthalakshmi, XII B, SRM Nightingale School)

People all over the world have the opportunity to appreciate parents and parental figures for the vital role they play in the development of families, in parents’ day.  Community leaders, parents, children, teachers, and family organisation get together in celebrating parents’ day and promoting effective parenting.

`` Our parents deserve our honour and respect for giving us life itself. Beyond this, they almost always made countless sacrifices as they cared for and nurtured us through our infancy and childhood, provided us with the necessities of life , and nursed us through physical illnesses and the emotional stresses of growing up’’-Ezra Taft Benson.

The International Parents day 2015, June 1st, provides a prospect to appreciate parents for their selfless promise to kids and their lifelong sacrifice toward nurturing this affiliation.UPF supports the UN resolution note that the family has the main responsibility for the development and protection of children and those children, for the full plus harmonious growth of their personality, must grow up in a family surroundings and in an ambience of happiness, love and understanding.

The way a parent disciplines, greatly affects their children’s behaviour. When a parent elects to use physical punishment, such as spanking, it does not teach the child how to change his behaviour. Children can also react aggressively to physical punishment. When parents choose alternative forms of punishment, such as timeouts, they are helping modify the child’s bad behaviour in a calm manner. Children may blame themselves for their parents’ arguments and may be traumatizing for years to come. Children may develop low self –esteems and may even behave violently towards other children.

 Dysfunctional families breed dysfunctional children. Children often repeat this behaviour in their future relationships. Child abuse causes a range of antisocial and destructive behaviours.  This is because abused children try to cope and to understand why they are being abused. Parents who abuse their children may cause their children to be aggressive and violent, experience learning problems and even become involved in drugs or alcohol.
Parents, who abuse, provide the opposite of what a child needs to grow up healthy. Instead, they destroy the inside and outside world of a child.

Parents greatly affect their children’s behaviour. Children are like sponges-they model everything a parent does and incorporate what they see in to their own lives. It is important that parents set the right examples for their children. Negative examples can be detrimental to a child’s development and can lead to bad behaviour. Role models are often subjects of admiration and emulation. Through their personal qualities and achievements they can inspire others to strive and develop without direct instruction. Due to their regular presence and interaction with the children, parents can serve as consistent and evolving role models for their children.

Parents’ care nurtures children. Their love makes them feel secure; their support provides them with the courage to take on all challenges. They are our parents, the best gifts we could ever have from god. Parents’ day is that wonderful day that attempts to pay a tribute all parents and parenthood.  Dianthus caryophyllus, commonly known as Carnations, flowers that symbolise parents’ day are given to parents by children in celebrating parents’ day in South Korea. For children across the planet, it is that fabulous day that gives them the opportunity to fill their parents with the warmth of their love and present them with gifts they would love best.
  S.Ananthalakshmi ,XII , SRM Nightingale school.

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